Search Results |
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Title |
Author |
Date |
Discipline |
On the perturbations of Uranus |
Adams, John Couch,
1819-1892. |
1847 |
Astronomy |
Untersuchungen über die gletscher |
Agassiz, Louis,
1807-1873. |
1840-1841 |
Geology |
De ortu et causis subterraneorum |
Agricola, Georg,
1494-1555. |
1546 |
Geology |
De re metallica |
Agricola, Georg,
1494-1555. |
1556 |
Geology |
De re metallica (Hoover translation) |
Agricola, Georg,
1494-1555. |
1912 |
Geology |
De mineralibus |
Albertus, Magnus,
1193?-1280. |
1476 |
Medicine |
Parva naturalia |
Albertus, Magnus,
1193?-1280. |
1517 |
Biology |
Action mutuelle |
Ampère, André-Marie,
1775-1836. |
1820 |
Physics |
Opera...omnia |
Archimedes |
1544 |
Mathematics |
De magnitudinibus |
Aristarchus of Samos |
1572 |
Astronomy |
De animalibus |
Aristotle |
1476 |
Biology |
Försök att beräkna dissociationen |
Arrhenius, Svante,
1859-1927. |
1887 |
Chemistry |
Canada Jay, Young |
Audubon, John James,
1785-1851. |
1832-1839 |
Biology |
Ornithological biography |
Audubon, John James,
1785-1851. |
1832-1839 |
Biology |
Manière de déterminer les masses |
Avogadro, Amadeo,
1776-1856. |
1811 |
Physics |
Instauratio magna (Novum organum) |
Bacon, Francis,
1561-1626. |
1620 |
General Science |
Opus majus |
Bacon, Roger,
1214?-1294. |
1733 |
General Science |
Experiments...on the gastric juice |
Beaumont, William,
1785-1853. |
1833 |
Medicine |
Une propriété nouvelle de la matière |
Becquerel, Henri,
1852-1908. |
1903 |
Physics |
Ars conjectandi |
Bernoulli, Jakob,
1654-1705. |
1713 |
Mathematics |
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