Search Results |
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Title |
Author |
Date |
Discipline |
Some chemical agencies of electricity |
Davy, Humphry,
1778-1829. |
1807 |
Chemistry |
Source of the heat which is excited by friction |
Rumford, Benjamin,
1753-1814. |
1798 |
Physics |
Species plantarum |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1753 |
Biology |
Strata identified by organized fossils |
Smith, William,
1769-1839. |
1816-1819 |
Geology |
Sur la structure des crystaux |
Haüy, René Just,
1743-1822. |
1784 |
Geology |
Systema naturae, facsimile of 1735 ed. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1907 |
Biology |
Systema Saturnium |
Huygens, Christiaan,
1629-1695. |
1659 |
Astronomy |
Systême du monde |
Laplace, Pierre Simon,
1749-1827. |
1796 |
Astronomy |
Tabulae Rudolphinae |
Kepler, Johannes,
1571-1630. |
1627 |
Astronomy |
Theatrum orbis terrarum |
Ortelius, Abraham,
1527-1598. |
1584 |
Geography |
Theoria motus corporum coelestium |
Gauss, Carl Friedrich,
1777-1855. |
1809 |
Astronomy |
Théorie analytique de la chaleur |
Fourier, Jean Baptiste
1768-1830. |
1822 |
Physics |
Theorie des klanges |
Chladni, Ernst Florens
1756-1827. |
1787 |
Physics |
Théorie du mouvement de Mercure |
Le Verrier, U.-J.
1811-1877. |
1845 |
Astronomy |
Theory of heredity |
Galton, Francis,
1822-1911. |
1875 |
Biology |
Theory of the earth |
Hutton, James,
1726-1797. |
1788 |
Geology |
Traité de la lumière |
Huygens, Christiaan,
1629-1695. |
1690 |
Physics |
Traité de radioactivité |
Curie, Marie,
1867-1934. |
1910 |
Physics |
Traité élémentaire de chimie |
Lavoisier, Antoine
1743-1794. |
1789 |
Chemistry |
Traitez de l'equilibre des liqueurs |
Pascal, Blaise,
1623-1662. |
1663 |
Physics |
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