Search Results |
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Title |
Author |
Date |
Discipline |
Ornithological biography |
Audubon, John James,
1785-1851. |
1832-1839 |
Biology |
Parva naturalia |
Albertus, Magnus,
1193?-1280. |
1517 |
Biology |
Pflanzen-mischlinge |
Focke, Wilhelm
1834-1922. |
1881 |
Biology |
Philosophia botanica |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1751 |
Biology |
Philosophie zoologique |
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de, 1744-1829. |
1809 |
Biology |
Physical geography of the sea |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine,
1806-1873. |
1855 |
Geography |
Polyhistoria |
Solinus, C. Julius,
3rd cent.? |
1520 |
Geography |
Powers of the prismatic colours to heat |
Herschel, William,
1738-1822. |
1800 |
Physics |
Principia |
Newton, Isaac,
1642-1727. |
1687 |
Astronomy |
Principles of geology |
Lyell, Charles,
1797-1875. |
1830-1833 |
Geology |
Progrès des sciences naturelles...1789 |
Cuvier, Georges,
1769-1832. |
1810 |
Biology |
Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus |
Le Verrier, U.-J.
1811-1877. |
1846 |
Astronomy |
Règne animal |
Cuvier, Georges,
1769-1832. |
1817 |
Biology |
Rudimentum novitiorum |
1475 |
Geography |
Saggiatore |
Galilei, Galileo,
1564-1642. |
1623 |
Astronomy |
Sceptical chymist |
Boyle, Robert,
1627-1691. |
1661 |
Chemistry |
Sceptical chymist, 2d. ed. |
Boyle, Robert,
1627-1691. |
1680 |
Chemistry |
Scientific papers |
Joule, James Prescott,
1818-1889. |
1884 -1887 |
Physics |
Selected works |
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni
1632-1723. |
1800-1807 |
Biology |
Siderius nuncius |
Galilei, Galileo,
1564-1642. |
1610 |
Astronomy |
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