Search Results |
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Title |
Author |
Date |
Discipline |
De humani corporis fabrica |
Vesalius, Andreas,
1514-1564. |
1543 |
Medicine |
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium |
Copernicus, Nicolaus,
1473-1543. |
1543 |
Astronomy |
Opera...omnia |
Archimedes |
1544 |
Mathematics |
Artis magnae |
Cardano, Girolamo,
1501-1576. |
1545 |
Mathematics |
De ortu et causis subterraneorum |
Agricola, Georg,
1494-1555. |
1546 |
Geology |
Historiae animalium |
Gesner, Konrad,
1516-1565. |
1551-1558 |
Biology |
De re metallica |
Agricola, Georg,
1494-1555. |
1556 |
Geology |
De omni rerum fossilium genere |
Gesner, Konrad,
1516-1565. |
1565-1566 |
Geology |
Elements of geometrie |
Euclid. |
1570 |
Mathematics |
De magnitudinibus |
Aristarchus of Samos |
1572 |
Astronomy |
De plantis |
Cesalpino, Andrea,
1524? -1603. |
1583 |
Biology |
Theatrum orbis terrarum |
Ortelius, Abraham,
1527-1598. |
1584 |
Geography |
Opera chirurgica |
Paré, Ambroise,
1510?-1590. |
1594 |
Medicine |
De magnete |
Gilbert, William,
1540-1603. |
1600 |
Physics |
Astronomiae instauratae mechanica |
Brahe, Tycho,
1546-1601. |
1602 |
Astronomy |
Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata |
Brahe, Tycho,
1546-1601. |
1602 |
Astronomy |
Astronomia nova |
Kepler, Johannes,
1571-1630. |
1609 |
Astronomy |
Siderius nuncius |
Galilei, Galileo,
1564-1642. |
1610 |
Astronomy |
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari |
Galilei, Galileo,
1564-1642. |
1613 |
Astronomy |
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio |
Napier, John,
1550-1617. |
1614 |
Mathematics |
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