Search Results |
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Title |
Author |
Date |
Discipline |
Action mutuelle |
Ampère, André-Marie,
1775-1836. |
1820 |
Physics |
Akustik |
Chladni, Ernst Florens
1756-1827. |
1802 |
Physics |
Animals in motion |
Muybridge, Eadweard,
1830-1904. |
1902 |
Physics |
Application of wire-gauze to lamps |
Davy, Humphry,
1778-1829. |
1816 |
Physics |
Bestimmung des brechungs-und farbenzerstreuungs-vermögens. |
Fraunhofer, Joseph
1787-1826. |
1817 |
Physics |
De magnete |
Gilbert, William,
1540-1603. |
1600 |
Physics |
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche |
Galilei, Galileo,
1564-1642. |
1638 |
Physics |
Dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field |
Maxwell, James Clerk,
1831-1879. |
1865 |
Physics |
Essais sur l'hygrométrie |
Saussure, Horace
Bénédict de,
1740-1799. |
1783 |
Physics |
Expériences de la machine aérostatique |
cit. (Barthélemy),
1741-1819. |
1783-1784 |
Physics |
Experimenta |
Ørsted, Hans Christian,
1777-1851. |
1820 |
Physics |
Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio |
Guericke, Otto von,
1602-1686. |
1672 |
Physics |
Experimental researches in electricity |
Faraday, Michael,
1791-1867. |
1839-1855 |
Physics |
Experiments and observations on electricity |
Franklin, Benjamin,
1706-1790. |
1769 |
Physics |
Galvanische kette |
Ohm, Georg Simon,
1789-1854. |
1827 |
Physics |
Heat considered as a mode of motion |
Tyndall, John,
1820-1893. |
1863 |
Physics |
Historique du daguerréotype |
Daguerre, Louis Jacques
1787-1851. |
1839 |
Physics |
History of the daguerréotype |
Daguerre, Louis Jacques
1787-1851. |
1839 |
Physics |
Horologium oscillatorium |
Huygens, Christiaan,
1629-1695. |
1673 |
Physics |
Lezioni accademiche |
Torricelli, Evangelista,
1608-1647. |
1715 |
Physics |
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